So you want to learn about me, don't cha? I'm flattered :)
I'm Sarah. I'm attending Angelo State University, and I plan on graduating May of 2010 with a BA in Psychology. After that, I'm not really sure. We'll see what happens!
As for now, I do plan on getting a teaching certificate. I currently work at the YMCA as well as with SAISD as a tutor. I enjoy what I do for the most part - those kiddos keep me on my toes!
I like to sew and bake, mostly; however, I would like to try my craftiness in other areas such as stenciling, paper crafts (besides origami), and maybe even paint. First I'd like to master sewing though, as I'm still a newbie.
This blog serves a journal. I don't plan on being a "tutorial" blog or a "how to" blog, but just what I go through. It'll be about my crafts, my baking, my family, my friends, and my life in general.
I am dating a wonderful man, Matt. He supports my craftying and especially supports my baking because he always gets to eat what I bake! We've known eachother for 6 years and have been dating off and on since then.
I have a great family and great friends. I don't want to list everyone because I don't know who reads this and I don't want anyone feeling bad if I don't mention them, but they all know who they are.
If anyone has any questions, please comment! I plan on making my own email address for this blog eventually, and once I do, I'll let everyone know ;)
Thanks for reading!
Friday Things #563
Friday Things #563
1. I love this girl 🩷 2. I’m so happy to share that Dominic’s scans this
week were clear! This marks 18 months of remission for him 💙...