
Friday, March 5, 2010

previously baked goodness

I just wanted to share some yummy goodies I've made in the past.
First up, florentine cookies from The Cookie Bible.
These cookies came out great if you like crunchy. I'm not particularly a huge fun of the crunch, but it was tasty with its semi-sweet chocolate inside! Next time I want to experiment with hazelnut spread, dark chocolate, caramel, and maybe some others. I'll let you guys know if I do!

Next are Matt's favorite. Raspberry. Marble. Cheesecake. Cupcakes. From Martha Stewart's Cupcakes. That book has some rad cupcakes!

These are awesome, they just take a while to make from scratch. I've also tried the same recipe with blueberries, and they came out just as scrum-diddily-umptious! No photo though. Boo.

These cheesecake pops from are also high up on the list. Totally to die for if you're a cheescake fan. chocolate fan. fun size fan. on a STICK fan.
These were dipped in milk chocolate, then drizzled with white chocolate, and I tried different "methods" of drizzling as well as various toppings. I used sprinkles and powdered sugar.
These were a bit more on the WhAcKy side. Dipped in white chocolate, drizzled with milk chocolate. Some have sprinkles, some aren't drizzled, one has chocolate shavings, one has marshmallows, and some have walnuts. Yummm!

"Creepy Crawlers" from Hello, Cupcake! for the kids at work. They liked them, and they're fun to look at. Not only that, they were fun to make! Also a bit time consuming because you have to pipe the chocolate and then strategically place your m&m's, but hey, it's good practice for piping.
Here they are all together. Caterpillars, spiders, ticks, and bees.

And a closeup. The book gives a template, so that made it way easy. I tried to make a dragon fly (didn't work) but I thought my bee came out cute! (bee not included in template). I think my favorite was the caterpillar. Too cute! These cupcakes totally make creepy crawly insects cute, yeah?

If anyone wants the recipe, let me know. I'll post it here.
Thanks for reading!

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